Boarding Services and Pet Sitters
- Come. Sit. Stay. Whoa. Lacey Jones 928-358-3700, care in your home
- Poodle Palace, Jeannine 928-537-4083
- Sara Middleton, Ph. 928-537-9105 - cell: 602 550 7679, e-mail:,
1712 Timber Ridge, Show Low - K-9 Camp located in Snowflake 928-536-2908, Courtney Lewis
- Triple L Ranch Dog Boarding is located on the border of Concho and Show Low 537-4980
Please check with your local veterinarian for listings of people who may provide pet sitting, dog walking, doggie daycare, and other forms of pet services.
Pet Allies neither endorses nor promotes these businesses. You should thoroughly investigate all services prior to patronizing them.