Help I've lost my pet!!!!
Arizona Revised Statute 11-1013 states "Each stray dog or any cat impounded shall be kept and maintained at the county pound for a minimum of 72 hours or 120 hours for an animal that is wearing a license, unless claimed or surrendered by its owner." This statute means your stray pet may have as little as 72 hours before it is euthanized (killed by lethal injection) or adopted by someone else, so look as soon as your pet is lost, and keep looking.
Navajo County currently has no centralized lost and found listing that provides information about your lost pet to all the county's shelters and animal control and care agencies/organizations, so you must spend some time looking for your lost pet.
Remember to license your pet and always update phone numbers on microchips.
Navajo County: Stray pets found in the unincorporated areas of Navajo County are taken to any one of the three animal shelters under contract to Navajo County Animal Control (Holbrook Animal Control, Snowflake Animal Control, Humane Society of the White Mountains).
Where you are located in the county does NOT have a relationship to where your stray pet may end up. For example, strays from the Heber/Overgaard area of Navajo County may end up in the Holbrook, Snowflake, or the Humane Society shelter.
Remember your stray pet may have wandered over city or county limits, so check everywhere.
In addition, we have many seasonal visitors who may take pets out of the area if they find them when travelling. We suggest posting your lost pet (and checking for your pet) on Petco Love Lost (www.petcolove.org). This is a national database so animals can be posted from anywhere.
Holbrook Animal Control Shelter
105 Old Airport Rd, Holbrook, AZ 86025
(928) 524-6828 / (928) 524-3991 Emergency
Hours: Monday -- Friday, 8:00 am -- 5:00 pm
Snowflake Animal Control Shelter
600 Snow Blvd, Snowflake, AZ 85937
Reached through the Snowflake Police Dept: (928) 536-7500
Hours: Monday -- Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Humane Society of the White Mountains
3212 N. Porter Mountain Rd, Lakeside, AZ 85929
(928) 368-5295
Hours: call the shelter
City of Show Low: Stray pets found in Show Low city limits are generally taken to
Pet Allies Show Low Animal Shelter
1321 N 16th Street, Show Low, AZ 85901
(928) 537-8009.
Hours: Sunday 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Monday thru Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Towns of Snowflake and Taylor: Stray pets found in the towns of Snowflake and Taylor limits are taken to Snowflake Animal Control Shelter (see contact information above).
Town of Pinetop-Lakeside: Stray pets found in the Town of Pinetop-Lakeside limits are taken to the Humane Society of the White Mountains (see contact information above).
City of Holbrook: Stray pets found in the City of Holbrook limits are taken to Holbrook Animal Control Shelter (see contact information above).
City of Winslow: Stray pets found in the City of Winslow city limits are taken to
Winslow Animal Control Shelter
Municipal Airport Rd, Winslow, AZ 86047
(928) 289-3232 / (928) 289-2431 Emergency
Post your lost pet on social media. Facebook pages like Lost and Found Pets of the White Mountains are very helpful.
Help I've found a pet!!!!
Contact the animal control agency or shelter in your area (see above). If you can hold on to the animal, that is very helpful to already full shelters. Fill out a found animal report with each shelter that you call.
If you are able to take the animal to a local veterinarian or to an animal facility, they will be able to scan for a microchip. They can contact the microchip company and get the owner's information.
Animals generally do not go too far from home. Ask around the neighborhood. Kids often know dogs in the area. Make fliers (see below) and post them around town.
Post the animal on Petco Love (www.petcolove.org) and local Facebook pages like Lost and Found Pets of the White Mountains.
Post flyers where pet was lost or found!!!
Photos on flyers are helpful if possible
Distribute flyers to:
- Schools
- Shopping Centers
- Pet Stores
- Animal Clinics
- Vets
- Emergency Animal Clinic
Inform mail carriers, meter readers, delivery drivers and school children !!
Keep going to the locations EVERY DAY! Leave something with your smell outside like an old sweatshirt or blanket.
If your pet shows up at a local shelter or animal control, bring proof of ownership (photos/license/rabies/spay or neuter certificate, adoption records)
Places to post your lost/found pet:
missing mutts 480.898.8914
local newspapers
Lost and Found Pets of the White Mountains
Lost and Found Pets of Arizona
and many more
Place an ad in the lost/found section of your local newspapers.
- Some newspapers offer these ads for lost and found free of chargeĀ
- weekend ads work best
- If a FOUND animal is not claimed, work with a rescue group to help place it into a loving home
- NEVER offer "free to a good home"
- The website rehome.adoptapet.com will help you find a home for the pet without turning it into a shelter at no cost.
Once you find your lost pet, Microchip them ASAP to prevent this from happening again!
And be sure to license your pet!